The Fitness Launch Pad

The Fitness Launch Pad

Best Workout Style

My personal workout style is basically a powerlifting, bodybuilding, olympic lifting, sports playing athlete. I've been asked if I'm a crossfitter in the gym and then asked if I was a powerlifter a few weeks later. People aren't totally wrong, I just don't fit into any single 'box.'

What is the best style for you?

Like most things - the answer depends on your goals but I can give you notes to get you started.

My overall recommendations:

  1. Curls are never the most important lift of the day.
  2. Include full body compound movements like squat and deadlift into your program.
  3. Use full range of motion - Only working half the movement is a contributing factor to pulling muscles because real life uses full ROM.
  4. Workout machines are for accessory movements during the second half of your workout after you have done other major lifts.
  5. Don't ego lift - no one is winning the olympics here(My ego has helped me get several injuries and then was nowhere to be found for several months while I recover).


Weight Loss Guide

I cover weight loss in this article over here - The Dad Approved Weight Loss Guide


Workout Plans

If you'd like to use a workout plan - here are my 2 favorites that I've found so far:

For 1 on 1 experience with diet included:
FitFatherProject - Dr. Anthony Balduzzi and his team are out to help busy fathers. They will give you some 1 on 1 attention and make sure your program is tailored to fit you which is pretty cool.  Here is a link to their Fit Father 30 day program but they also have a muscle building program as well.

If you are already working out consistently:
Metron Training Programs - If you are already crushing it in the gym and just want to up your game - check out Metron which has training programs you can follow via an app. Enter your workout data as you go and the data is used to change the next workout to better fit you and track your progress.  I like Craig Capurso's workouts and training style the most - you can find him here:

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